Sunday, August 7, 2011

Week 25: Where's my belly button?

This week has been all about the belly :)

My belly button popped! I've been feeling like the last (wo)man standing in our prenatal pilates class, so I now wear my tight tops with pride. It's also kinda nice to be able to "thoroughly" clean my belly button now after all these years...

I can also start to tell when our little one is upright (aka in breech position). The skin's really taut above my belly button to make room for the head "lump" and that's when I have difficulty breathing and can't eat too much at one go - else, heartburn ensues. Learnt that lesson while having Thai for dinner!

Due to the heat and expanding abdomen, my belly has started to itch like mad. Seeking solace in oatmeal lotions (Aveeno), keeping cool with the fan or AC, and taking antihistamines (chlorpheniramine) so I can sleep easier through the night.

Last but not least, my belly appears to be public property. Everyone touches it! Which is OK so far for me unless they have really hot or clammy hands ;0

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