Thursday, May 3, 2012

Month 5 Week 3: Routine matters

In a week's time, B will be half a year old.  Motherhood hasn't necessarily gotten easier but perhaps I'm learning to adapt to (and to some extent, accept) this new "lifestyle."  I started a regular newsletter of highlights, tips and photos with B's caregivers and closest family members, got to know more moms with similar aged babies in my condo complex, church and also through the local Meet Up groups.  

Mommy lessons:
  1. Mutual weaning:  There are many days when I struggle to find my equilibrium. It's almost like I need to wean myself from B just as he starts to wean from breastmilk to solids. How to ensure I have time for other stuff including self and couple care?  First things first. After a quick breakfast, I go into his room to watch him and join in a short cat nap, check mail and do my QT. 
  2. Elusive sleep - Just when you think you've cracked the "schedule," it changes :( - B used to sleep through the night from 9p to 5a but now wakes up intermittently, usually crying out loud and needing help to settle back down just like his first few months. It could be that he's subconsciously processing all the stimuli. Some babies have difficulty sleeping when they're facing major developmental milestones like rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, talking and new people or environments.  Meanwhile, I'm re-tweaking his daily routine to hopefully help:  6a wake up, 7a brekkie, 8a bath, 9a nap #1, 11a lunch, 1p nap #2, 3p milk, 5p nap #3, 6p outdoor time (weather/baby permitting), 630p dinner, 7p sponge bath/quiet down, 8p bed time - with one late night/early morning milk feed as needed ... and mommy pumping and getting her own stuff done in between.  Wish us luck!
  3. Mosquito magnet: The weather has been insufferably hot.  Even though we live on a high floor, there was an outbreak of mozzies (and roaches), and B got 4 nasty bites on his left leg, right elbow and chubby cheek (!) despite all our best attempts.  He hasn't recovered as quickly vs previous bites/cuts, and sadly, these have left quite a scar too.  We've tried turning on the aircon, using spray, lotion, patches, those-things-you-put-below. Maybe we'll get a baby-safe fan next....  Help?
B milestones:
  1. Check up: At 5.5 months, B weighed 8.5 kg (18.7 lbs), 69 cm long (27") with a 42.5 cm (16.7") head circumference -- over 90 percentile now!
  2. Eating 3 "meals" a day with milk and water to supplement: So far, so good.  Has tried cereal (rice, corn, buckwheat, quinoa), carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, green beans.  Next: Fruit purees
  3. Physical: He stands with support, in fact, B tends to always push up when/wherever he can; sits tripod style - propped up on arms and/or rests on his elbows, lifts head 90 degrees and scans 180 degrees; rolls tummy-to-side (though it's still one sided for now); wiggles forward; uses a two-handed embracing reach; significantly improved dexterity with his fingers and legs (reaches, grasps, transfers from hand to hand/mouth), cranes neck forward to see or eat.  Next: Block play, sorting, crawling?
  4. Language/social: Shapes mouth to change sounds; mimics sounds, inflection, gestures; blows bubbles; laughs hilariously when tickled, makes motions for attention (flapping arms to be picked up, babbles, coughs, even shrieks; develops better depth perception; gazes intently; tracks accurately
  5. Cognitive: Interested in colours. In the mornings, I read his Scholastic baby colourbook and then point out all the items that match the colours around us. Forms mental images of what to expect when given a cue (baby signing will pay off soon I hope); Becomes aware that people and things have labels (who's your mommy, B?); learns which sounds and gestures get a response; shows decision-making expressions with mouth and hand; figures out objects; Changes hand position to touch objects.

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